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New Study on Adapting Driver Behaviour for Lower Emissions

Spark is very happy to be a member of the Consortium led by ERTICO – ITS Europe working on the MOdify Drivers´ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS (MODALES) project – a three-year long European project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The objective of the project is to advance the understanding of the co-variability between user behaviour and vehicle emissions, and modify user behaviour via dedicated training, including a driver assistance app and awareness campaigns, in order to support effective air quality plans and enforcement strategies to be developed by local and national authorities. Ultimately, MODALES will examine factors and solutions in driving, maintenance, retrofits, on-board diagnostics and legal aspects, to advance a user-centric method and to test it under real conditions. The result will strengthen low-emission driving and maintenance behaviour, as well as driver and vehicle testing regimes.

The legal research Spark will carry out in collaboration with its network of national legal experts will consist of collecting and analysing the legislation on vehicle tampering across selected EU Member States and identifying best practices and recommendations in this regard.

If you want to know more about the MODALES project, please go to the MODALES website or have a look at the press release: MODALES Adapting driver behaviour for lower emissions.

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