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Public Event on Road to Low Emissions

Funded under Horizon 2020, the EU framework programme for research and innovation, MODALES is an international cooperation project which aims at advancing the understanding of the co-variability between user behaviour and vehicle emissions, and modifying user behaviour via dedicated training, including a driver assistance app and awareness campaigns, in order to support effective air quality plans and enforcement strategies to be developed by local and national authorities.

A mid-term event for this project will be organised on Friday 28 May. During the event, participants will be updated on the project’s achievements to date by core members of the MODALES team, representing the research, industrial and user sectors, and learn about the trials of our low-emission driving app. In this context, Spark Legal Network is looking forward to presenting its main findings from the analysis on the legal situation on vehicle tampering in the EU Member States it carried out!

Find more information, and register for the MODALES project’s first online event here

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