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New Study on the Audiovisual Media Services Directive

Nearly eight in ten Europeans (77%) watch television every day or almost every day. This represents more than 343 million citizens impacted by television daily. The audiovisual sector in Europe therefore has a strong role to play in both safeguarding cultural diversity in Europe and fostering a European cultural identity. Furthermore, the audiovisual sector also has a very important role in the European economy!

For those and many other reasons, Spark is very happy to carry out, together with Kantar, the study on the practical implementation of the provisions of the audiovisual media services directive (AVMSD) concerning the promotion of European works in audiovisual media services.

The purpose of this study is to provide the Commission (DG CONNECT) with an independent study on the implementation of measures aimed at promotion of European works under AVMSD. The independent study will complement the reporting done by Member States and it will therefore allow to cross-check and triangulate the evidence gathered. Combined, these sources will be the basis to prepare an evaluation report to the European Parliament, the Council and the EESC which is due in 2022.

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