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Workshop on Cloud Computing SLAs

The second and final workshop of the DG CNECT project Study on Standards terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services was held yesterday, Monday 11th May, in Brussels.

The study has three objectives, namely: to collect data on the rules currently applicable to SLAs in the EU,  EEA, and EFTA countries, to propose a model SLA fit for use across sectors and platforms, and recommend a roll-out strategy. Spark and our excellent network of experts were instrumental in completing the first task and providing information on the national legislation, policies, guidelines and other rules which affect SLAs. The first study workshop was held in November 2014 to gauge the views of cloud users; their suggestions fed into the model. Yesterday’s workshop involved a wide range of stakeholders, whose views on the model proposed will enable us to better understand, and respond to, the needs of providers.

The discussion included:

  • the target audience of the model SLA
  • the system of service credits, and its effectiveness
  • change management
  • the inclusion of quality assurance as well as service level objectives in the SLA
  • the objectives of the European projects on SLAs as part of the Digital Agenda. Further information on the Digital Agenda (part of the Europe 2020 strategy) can be found here

The Study on Standards terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services is due to end this summer – we look forward to finalising an excellent project with DG CNECT.

For questions about the study – or more generally about EU/national law on cloud computing – please get in touch.

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