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New Study on the Energy Efficiency Directive

We are excited to start work on our latest study for the European Commission DG ENER. Together with Ecorys Netherlands we have been selected to review the effectiveness of implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive Article 6. This requires EU Member States to ensure that central governments purchase only products, services and buildings with a high energy-efficiency performance.

The reasoning behind Article 6 of the Energy Efficiency Directive is to foster procurement of energy efficient solutions – in this way central governments leverage their “market power”, providing a leading buyer for these materials and services, and encouraging innovation in this area. This in turn contributes to the EU energy efficiency targets under the the ten-year ‘Europe 2020’ strategy for smart, sustainable, inclusive growth.

This study provides an interesting opportunity to utilise our expertise in both public procurement and energy law, and we will cooperate with an outstanding network of experts. We look forward to the kick-off!

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