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Publication of the Study on the Profession of nurse responsible for general care

Spark Legal Network is proud to announce that the results of the Study assessing the scientific and technical developments in relation to the profession of nurse responsible for general care has been published!

We are honoured to be able to contribute to the development of such an important profession. Specifically, the Study identifies the main scientific and technical advancements affecting the profession of nurse responsible for general care in all EU and EFTA States, with the objective to support the Commission in its assessment of whether to propose an adaptation of the minimum knowledge, skills and training subjects under Directive 2005/36/EC.

The data collected through literature review, desk research and consultation with more than 140 stakeholders shows that a number of changes in the national training programmes seem to have occurred recently due to scientific and technical advancements. However, the extent of the response to and coverage of these changes appears to vary considerably across the countries.

With the objective of adapting the training programme to the evolution of the nursing profession in the scientific and technical field, we recommend updating Article 31(6) on knowledge and skills and point 5.2.1 of Annex V to Directive 2005/36/EC (within the delegated powers that the European Commission has at its disposal). The following table presents the proposed amendments:

Furthermore, on the basis of the findings and the abovementioned suggestions for changes, the Study Team also proposes the following further amendments and deletions of superfluous and / or redundant text:

The full Study report can be found here. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to have further information about the Study!

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